FOSS Reflective Questions
These “free and open source software” questions … for you to program you … are designed to help you assess your current habits and identify areas for growth … the point is not in the answer, but in pondering each answer, doing your own research and implementing your findings in your daily life. Take your time with each one, and consider journaling your thoughts or discussing them with a trusted friend or family member.
This is ONE of ten factors which are interconnected, and improving one area can positively influence others. For example, better sleep can enhance mental well-being and physical performance, while stress management can improve sleep quality. As you implement and live your plan, it’s important to be observant, looking for the connections to all ten factors in in your own well-rounded practice … nobody else is really going to care as much about your health as you are.
A) Mobility, Flexibility, Balance and Coordination
How confident am I in my balance and coordination during daily activities? When do I NOTICE it? How often do I stretch or engage in flexibility exercises? Do I experience stiffness or limited range of motion in any joints? Does it change over the course of the day?
Do I engage in activities that challenge my balance (e.g., standing on one leg, balance board)? Are there specific areas of my body that need more attention for flexibility or maintaining strength (e.g., hip exercises, hanging from pull-up bar for shoulders)?
Am I aware of any decline in my balance or coordination over time? How does my flexibility compare to when I was younger, and how does that affect my daily activities? Am I aware of any muscle imbalances that could impact my mobility?
How often do I practice balance exercises (e.g., tai chi, yoga, specific drills)? How do I work in opportunities to try something new, like a form of yoga or tai chi that I haven’t done before? What could I do to become more open to exploring them?
Do I feel unsteady when walking, climbing stairs, or navigating uneven surfaces? How does walking on ice or exercises specifically aimed at improving balance, eg ladder drills with uneven weight, affect my risk of falls and overall independence?
Am I aware of any environmental factors (e.g., clutter, poor lighting) that could impact my balance? What about my workflow – do I get lost in a task and sit for periods that are too long? How can I incorporate more movement throughout the day?
Can I incorporate balance exercises into my existing routine (e.g., while brushing teeth or watching TV)? How can I incorporate more stretching into my daily routine (e.g., after waking up or before bed)? Do I, at least, just move warm up properly before exercise and cool down afterward?
How can I make balance training more engaging, especially in a social setting (e.g., trying new activities, setting small goals with groups)?
How does maintaining good balance contribute to my long-term mobility and confidence?
How can I make stretching a more enjoyable part of my routine (e.g., pairing it with music or a podcast)?